Very few things tend to scare me. But Ebola scares the F@#& out of me…
Ebola has been the headlines in the “Twitosphere” as of late, matched with comments of “Why should I be scared, our advanced health system will protect us” and other misnomers. Now generally I am one to downplay things and keep people calm, however when it comes to a disease that now has a 70% mortality rate according to the World Health Organization (WHO) via CBC, I am pretty damn scared. Not because of its lethality, but because of the lack of Government participation is properly guaranteeing the situation. Because no-one of power is taking it seriously.
What irks me more however is that people think that because we are in a 1st world country we are some how magically protected because of our advancements in medicine, be it our better immune system or better health care. …
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