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The Personal VPN Solution everyone must have…

Matthew 0 Comments

A few weeks ago I posted about how to make your own personal file cloud, using DigitalOcean and OwnCloud. I have since updates it with a new host called Vultr  which for the purposes of having a cloud is a bit better.  For the same $5 instead of 20GB of SSD storage, you can get 160GB of SATA storage. SATA of course is slower in speed, but you don’t need it for a cloud. The other difference is with DigitalOcean, they install it with Ubuntu 14.4 where Vultr uses CentOS 6.6.

I am now going to show you how to use the same server to install OpenVPN.  …

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Re-Rooting Android 4.3 On a Nexus Device

Matthew 1 Comment
[notification type=”alert”]Note:  These instructions are for Nexus based Devices: Galaxy Nexus: GSM Models (both yakju and non-yakju builds), Galaxy Nexus: CDMA/LTE Verizon Models, Galaxy Nexus: CDMA/LTE Sprint Models, Nexus S: Worldwide, i9020t and i9023 Models, Nexus S: 850MHz, i9020a Models, Nexus S: Korea, m200 Models, Nexus S 4G: d720 Models, Nexus 7: Asus Tablet, Nexus 7 3G: Asus Tablet, Nexus 7 v2 (2013): Asus Tablet, Nexus 7 v2 (2013) LTE: Asus Tablet, Nexus 10: Samsung Tablet, Nexus 4: LG Phone [/notification] [notification type=”error”] I am NOT responsible for any mistakes you make or anything happening to your phone. These instructions worked for me, they probably will for you too, but USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
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