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Quebec in termoil as the Provincial Elections rapidly approach.

Matthew 0 Comments

The last month has seen quite a few controversies here in Quebec. However this didn’t start a few weeks ago, I believe what is happening now started 2 years ago when Pauline Marois took office with a vision to solidify Quebec into her own vision of sovereignty. It started when she put a lot more funding into the Office Québécois de la Langue Française (OQLF), which resulted in “Pastagate” where someone complained that the word Pasta was not a French word and that it should be replaced with pâtes.

The approach Marois was taking to strengthen Quebec’s language laws resulted in several cases like Pastagate which went against the actual charter.…

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Bixi is the way to go…

bixyToday I took my first Bixi ride, talk about a workout. Took about 20 minutes or so to get home, but that’s only because I had to stop half way. Seems the first Bixi bike I “signed out” had a flat tire, why the last rider didn’t flag the bike as damaged I have no clue, but I made sure I flagged it after walking 2 blocks to nearest Bixi station. walking 2 blocks to nearest Bixi station.

Now if you wanna “Bixi” (short for “BIcycle TaXI“) I would not recommend using your credit card at the Bike Rack, if you do make sure you have an extra $250 as they will put that amount on hold as a deposit in case you decide not to return the bike.…

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I want this for my Home Office – The Emperor

Several years ago I came across the coolest office setup on Engadget.com but when I wanted to make a post about it lost year, I couldn;t seem to find it on their site.  Today I found it again on HiConsumption.com.

The Emperor is probably one of the most awesome setups I have seen for a computer desk/chair/build.  It comes in 2 different modles, and get this, its Canadian.  Their head office in Quebec, QC, qhich is about a 2 hour drive from my home in Montreal.  If I ever get a home office again, this would be the rig I would go with, if I could afford it the 200 series model.…

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Happy New Year! 2013 – Day 364

Matthew 0 Comments


Well, its my 364th day on “The Island”, and for those who have never read my blog, or even know who I am, it means I have spent 364 days living outside my native Ontario, on Montreal Island Quebec. That’s right 1 day short of a year. On January 2nd, 2012, I left my brothers apartment in Cornwall Ontario and made the huge leap to move myself to a whole new city and province. The very odd thing is, is how this all came about…

It all started about 2 years ago, I was working for Davis + Henderson (Formerly Resolve) as an Real Time Analyst when half the team got lynched during the take over.…

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Google now taking walk throughs of Historic Buildings and Businesses

Matthew 0 Comments

Google Maps is a huge resource these days for those looking for directions. In the last few years they have traveled the streets giving you the ability to “Be there” visually instead of just looking ta map. Recently Google has taken on a new challenge, bring you into local businesses and Historical Buildings.

One of the buildings Google has taken on is the Atwater Library and Computer Centre where you can now find a pic of Yours Truly (see picture below).

Some other cool places they have been in are Kappo Nagi in Kyoto, Japan, Chataigner Yves in Paris, France, and even Restaurant Chez Queux here in Montreal, QC.…

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