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Blast from the past – Digital devices from a time long past.

Matthew 0 Comments

While browsing the Gadgets Subreddit today I came across a post that blew me away. It seems someone scanned a 1980’s (maybe) Sears catalog, probably the Christmas catalog they put out.  The post contained over 200 pages from the catalog, a few of which I have listed below:

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What really amazed me was that they had CD players, Which, surprising to me, were released in 1982 (I was 3 years old), however I do not remember seeing CD’s till the early to mid 90’s.

You can see the full set of images at this link. Shows pictures of old calculators, electric typewriters, Atari systems, etc.  …

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How long will the internet, as we know it, last?

Matthew 0 Comments

The question in the title is posed based on a few articles I have recent read on the web. The first was an article about a US ISP looking to charge websites if they want their content carried over the network, much like Cable TV.

An article on InfoWorld.com states that Verizon is trying to turn the web into pay-per-view. They are currently in court fighting to end the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) policy of Net neutrality. If they win, it would allow them to selectively block or slow traffic to certain sites and protocols. It would also mean that companies like Verizon could charge sites like YouTube and Netflix a premium to have their packets travel over their network unrestricted, which could in turn raise prices for sites that are already membership driven (Netflix) and sites that are currently free may have to charge the viewer to subsidize the cost (YouTube).…

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