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Happy Thanksgiving

Matthew 0 Comments

Well its that time of year for us Canadians to spend time with our families. I myself have taken the 2 hour trip to Ottawa to spend the holidays with my Mom and to see some friends I have not seen in ages. This is my second trip to O-Town in the last month as last week was the CD Release for my fav local band Go Long (!), but as I was only up for the night I didn’t have time to see everyone I would have liked to, so this weekend I am spending time with as many people as I can schedule, then back off to Montreal I go till prolly Xmas.…

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The Stylish Music of Go Long (!)

I just realized after reading Go Long (!)’s press Release that my blog is listed in the “Press” section. Sadly, the post I created entitled “Go Long (!) an Awesome Local Band” which was posted in November of 2011 no longer exists. So I am gonna write another article on them for the simple fact that they are an Awesome local band (To Ottawa) and their music is becoming more and more popular.

If you have no idea who Go Long (!) is, I suggest you check out their site: GoLong.info.

I have known the lead singer Danielle for about 5 years now and fell in love with her voice.…

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