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Battlefield 4 Emblems

Matthew 0 Comments

I am a HUGE fan of the Battlefield series, and there are only a few out of the many games under that title that I have not played (Battlefield 3, sadly was one of them, so some of my comments may conflict with BF3, just keep that in mind).

A brief history of my Battlefield gaming “career”… in 2002 I bought Battlefield 1942 and the expansion pack Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII.  I was an avid player of the Desert Combat mod, created by Trauma Studios (Bought out by Dice in 2004 to help create Battlefield 2). Two years later I bought Battlefield Vietnam, the second title in the series, which was a vast improvement over 1942, adding moving (and burnable) grass as well as more detailed textures and characters.  …

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A New game that I thoroughly enjoy.

Matthew 0 Comments

I am a big fan of MMORPGs (Mass Multi Player Online Role Playing Games) and am a recovering World of WarCrack (World of Warcraft) addict (well, not really, although I did enjoy the earlier versions of the game). Ever since I quit WoW, I have looked for something similar that can keep me enticed.

I tried getting back into WoW not too long ago, and found that they had pretty much killed the game, by that I mean its not as fun as it used to be. They’ve made it TOO easy to play… In the days before they released the Cataclysm expansion it was so much more fun.…

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