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Is the Earth Spherical or Flat? Part 1

Matthew 3 Comments

Ok, before you start laughing your ass off at the thought of a Flat Earth, this movement seems to be gaining ground over the last few months.  But it seems to bring up more questions than answers, and unlike most of the videos you will find on Youtube, there is no 100% proof the world is flat.

Before we get started, we need to figure out what that Flat Earth Model is.  This is no easy feat.  I have seen dozens of videos on the topic and have read may web pages on certain topics. Here is Wikipedia’s description of the Flat Earth’s model.…

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Back on Facebook, but not without issues…

Matthew 0 Comments

So after two weeks of shutting off my access to Facebook, I find myself logging back in. It seems to remove your digital fingerprint from the net is almost impossible. If you are an android user like myself, and a Facebook user, chances are, on several apps you have installed, you have logged in with Facebook. This presents a problem once you delete that account. You cannot re-create the account with the same email, as its already registered. And creating a new account also means you have to start everything over.

So now I am back on Facebook, and trying to clean it up.…

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Today is the day I left Facebook

Matthew 0 Comments

So it is official, I have left Facebook for good.  Yes I will miss the conversations with some awesome people that I have met over the years.  Yes I will miss seeing all the goofy posts, and sharing them just the same. Yes, I will even miss the hours I spend browsing the feeds. I am not leaving Facebook because of Facebook (although the 4am game notifications were kinda annoying).  No, I am not leaving the (Anti)Social Media Mega Giant for any reason that the could have caused.  I am leaving it because I have become more security conscious.

Over the last several months, Internet Security has been a hot topic as many popular sites across the web are being hacked.  …

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RANT: Stop making EVERYTHING about Race.

As many of you who watch/read/listen to the news, there have been an increasing amount of Police Brutality incidents involving white cops and black victims, which in most reported cases results in the needless death of the victim. The most recent of course being Freddie Gray’s death in police custody. Which resulted in the massive protests, riots and looting happening in Baltimore.  This article is not about that although I do have this to say about it.  The police officers involved in the needless acts of violence towards anyone, black or not, should never be put back on the streets.  …

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2014 – Year in Review – The Darker Side

Matthew 3 Comments

Normally when people do a recap of the year they mention all the positive aspects. And in most people’s live those are the memories we remember most. My own personal year in review has been great, at that personal level. I mean I went back to school and got a new and exciting job. But what happens when you go past the personal level, past the family level and past the close knit friend level… What I mean by this is as a Society, as a Species, was 2014 really that great of a year? Or, was it possibly one of the worse years ever for Human Kind?…

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Last Day at the Library – Reflecting on the path that got me here.

Matthew 1 Comment

Well the day has arrived, Just shy of 2 years after I joined the staff at the Atwater Library and Computer Centre, it’s is time for me to take my leave and move on to greener pastures.  I have hired a great replacement and have complete confidence he will continue the quality of work I have provided for this wonderful organization.

A few days ago, while on my commute, I started to think about how I came to be where I am. I mean I pretty much just landed my dream job, being a Support Agent with the intent to move up to Server Administrator at a Server Farm, that’s a big deal for me.…

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Has Social Media made us into Mindless Zombies? “Experts” say YES!

Matthew 4 Comments

This of course assumes that you believe in me as being an Expert in Social Media… Which of course I am not, but that never seems to stop anyone these days.  I mean anything you read on Social Media sites has to be the truth right? Welcome to Another Considered Normal Rant.  Todays Rant brought to you by Facebook, Spreading Misinformation and Terrorizing the Nation since February 4th 2004.

Now before I get started, please note I do not blame Facebook, just like I don’t blame Fox News, or any other Media outlet (Other than shitty Satire ones that LOVE to stir the pot), they simply, inadvertently, provided the outlet for misinformation.…

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Lack of Posts, Bell Canada, Windows 8 and Exchange 2013.

Matthew 2 Comments

Sorry for the lack of posts, I try and get one in at least once a week, but as you can tell I haven’t posted in over a month.  I have been extremely busy with Work and School that this site has escaped me.  So I decided to make a rant post.  There will be 3 main topics, Bell Canada, Windows 8(.1) and Exchange Server 2013.  There may be more, depending on how I feel after the rant.

Round 1: Bell Canada

So anyone who has me as a friend on Facebook knows the story about the issues I have been having with Bell.  …

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GrooveShark, why would I pay to use your Android app when I can use your mobile site for free?

Matthew 0 Comments

I couldn’t believe it.  Yesterday I was setting up my phone to play a few streams to help me sleep.  I use the GrooveShark’s mobile site as there is so much archived on this site its mind-boggling. Now in the mists of setting it up I went into the menu and saw that GrooveShark now has an android app, so I downloaded it thinking it would be easier to browse and look up songs.  However once downloaded, it forced me to create an account (You can use the mobile site without having to sign in) and when I went to stream my usual meditation lists, it tells me it’s for subscribers only at $9 a month.…

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Quebec in termoil as the Provincial Elections rapidly approach.

Matthew 0 Comments

The last month has seen quite a few controversies here in Quebec. However this didn’t start a few weeks ago, I believe what is happening now started 2 years ago when Pauline Marois took office with a vision to solidify Quebec into her own vision of sovereignty. It started when she put a lot more funding into the Office Québécois de la Langue Française (OQLF), which resulted in “Pastagate” where someone complained that the word Pasta was not a French word and that it should be replaced with pâtes.

The approach Marois was taking to strengthen Quebec’s language laws resulted in several cases like Pastagate which went against the actual charter.…

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