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SSD Cloud Server Hosting – $20 free for new signups

Matthew 0 Comments

For those of you who read my blog, you know I am an avid fan, and user of cloud servers.  For a limited time, my hoster, Vultr.com, is offering $20 worth of server time (4 months on the low-end $5/mth server). This is a great offer for techs who want to play around with Linux distros, its great for developers who what to test out the programs. I personally use their services to host my blog (I started off with the $5/month package).

Click on their logo below to get your $20 (limited time offer)

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The Division – A quick Review

Matthew 0 Comments

Some of you know a while back I gave up PC Gaming, in fact I haven’t really been on my desktop PC except to do research.  All my gaming is now done via my PS4 which I purchased last December.  I used to always think keyboard and mouse were the only way to play FPS games (first person shooters) but I tell ya, the consoles aren’t half bad.  Now The Division is not an FPS, it’s an over the shoulder shooter or third person shooter, but the concept for the control is the same, point and shoot.

So, lets review the game.  …

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Is the Earth Spherical or Flat? Part 2

Matthew 4 Comments

Well I promised a part 2 to this article, but this will be more of a rant than a discussion.  You see, the more and more videos I watched, the more and more I got discouraged.  Not that my beliefs of a spherical earth were being torn away, but because of the idiocy I experienced in watching the videos… I will explain a few of these now.


The star that changes color:

It is a known belief in the Flat Earth model that there is no space, and that all the starts in the sky are simply some source of light put there by the creator.  …

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Is the Earth Spherical or Flat? Part 1

Matthew 3 Comments

Ok, before you start laughing your ass off at the thought of a Flat Earth, this movement seems to be gaining ground over the last few months.  But it seems to bring up more questions than answers, and unlike most of the videos you will find on Youtube, there is no 100% proof the world is flat.

Before we get started, we need to figure out what that Flat Earth Model is.  This is no easy feat.  I have seen dozens of videos on the topic and have read may web pages on certain topics. Here is Wikipedia’s description of the Flat Earth’s model.…

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Happy New Year, Year In Review, And First post in 3 months… SRSLY!

Matthew 0 Comments

I can’t believe I let my blog slide.  I have been so busy over the last few months I haven’t had a chance to sit down and write a good long post. So here it is, my First post of 2016, wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR (a few days late) and I will start the new year with a little Year in Review post.

hnyNow before I get into too much trouble.  Yes I am using my Bitstrips Character for my logo and images… I mean it looks just like me, what better way to add some flare to my site.  …

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What happened to MatthewKoster.com?

Matthew 0 Comments

I have decided to shut down my old site for now, kind of hard to keep more than one blog going with the projects I am currently working on. Not to mention again I have put off my Metro project as I realized a lot of the Metro stations in Montreal, really aren’t that spectacular. So I have decided to forward all of my old sites traffic to my more popular site ConsideredNormal.com.

It’s not much of a bump mind you, MatthewKoster.com was only getting about 100 hits a month, which is only 3.3% of the traffic ConsideredNormal.com currently generates.…

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Back on Facebook, but not without issues…

Matthew 0 Comments

So after two weeks of shutting off my access to Facebook, I find myself logging back in. It seems to remove your digital fingerprint from the net is almost impossible. If you are an android user like myself, and a Facebook user, chances are, on several apps you have installed, you have logged in with Facebook. This presents a problem once you delete that account. You cannot re-create the account with the same email, as its already registered. And creating a new account also means you have to start everything over.

So now I am back on Facebook, and trying to clean it up.…

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Considered Normal? has moved to Vultr

Matthew 0 Comments

To the untrained eye, nothing has changed for the site. Only one small detail is missing. You will notice that the Links in the sidebar to my friends and family are gone… not by choice, seems the new versions of WordPress have removed this feature, and since I didn’t bring over the database, pre-existing links (only was to enable the links in newer versions) didn’t carry over. A minor issue.

What people may notice however is how blazing fast the site is. The move to Vultr was done for a few reasons. The first being that the database on the old site was having hichups.…

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Today is the day I left Facebook

Matthew 0 Comments

So it is official, I have left Facebook for good.  Yes I will miss the conversations with some awesome people that I have met over the years.  Yes I will miss seeing all the goofy posts, and sharing them just the same. Yes, I will even miss the hours I spend browsing the feeds. I am not leaving Facebook because of Facebook (although the 4am game notifications were kinda annoying).  No, I am not leaving the (Anti)Social Media Mega Giant for any reason that the could have caused.  I am leaving it because I have become more security conscious.

Over the last several months, Internet Security has been a hot topic as many popular sites across the web are being hacked.  …

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Configuring multiple IPs on Debian – The Easy Way

I was recently tasked with adding 100+ ips to server at work. Normally we deal with smaller networks, like /28 or /29, but this guy had a /25 which is 128 IPs (125 usable) (Side Note: before you argue and tell me it should be 126 Usable, In our line of work, there are 3 unusable IPs instead of 2… Normally you have Network (first IP in range) and Broadcast (last IP in range), in our line, we add a Gateway (Second IP in range) which is not usable by a server) SO taking away all the unusable IPs, and of course the primary IP assigned to the NIC card, that results in 124 IPs needing to be assigned.…

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