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What the…. Stop F@#&ing with the Theme!!!!

Matthew 0 Comments

If you were on the site today, more than likely you would have seen one of several themes I have been trying out for my site. The one I am at now seems to be the one I am going to stick with, for now. Seems every few months or so I get tired of the theme and want to upgrade to something better. You may have seen that I did this last week as well, but the theme I really liked had some flaws when it came to comments, namely that it would cut most of it off as you view replys to a reply’s reply….…

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No Regrets

Matthew 2 Comments


I have no regrets, to have regrets is to wish something was different about your life, to have regrets is to play the “what if” game with your past. “What if I hadn’t messed up that relationship”, “what if I had taken that job out west”, “what if I had stayed”, or “what if I had left”. But to play the “What if” game can take a turn for the worse… “What if I had been a few seconds faster”, a thought that used to run through my head about my accident when I was 2 weeks away from turning 16, traveling up the overpass on my bike when a car cut me off, sending me flying through the air and crashing down on my back.…

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Well its now 2014, maybe I should make another post?

Matthew 0 Comments

We’re already well into 2014 (2 weeks since New Years Eve) and I haven’t made a post yet… For one I want to wish my readers a Happy New Year and hope that 2014 proves to be a  prosperous safe year for everyone.

Jetpack, which is a really good plugin I use here at Considered Normal? released the 2013 Annual Report which covers the top posts here over he last year.

I hope to get more posts out soon that people will want to read, from breaking news to How-To tutorials.  2014 is going to be a technologically revolutionary year in my opinion, and I cannot wait to see what it brings.…

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Battlefield 4 Emblems

Matthew 0 Comments

I am a HUGE fan of the Battlefield series, and there are only a few out of the many games under that title that I have not played (Battlefield 3, sadly was one of them, so some of my comments may conflict with BF3, just keep that in mind).

A brief history of my Battlefield gaming “career”… in 2002 I bought Battlefield 1942 and the expansion pack Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII.  I was an avid player of the Desert Combat mod, created by Trauma Studios (Bought out by Dice in 2004 to help create Battlefield 2). Two years later I bought Battlefield Vietnam, the second title in the series, which was a vast improvement over 1942, adding moving (and burnable) grass as well as more detailed textures and characters.  …

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A 6 foot, 330lbs robot, built to save us… uh huh… why don’t I believe that

Matthew 1 Comment

robotOk, maybe its just me, and the fact I have watched to many movies and TV shows where creating a robot, in some way or another, ends in our destruction.

I came across this post on Reddit Yesterday which links to an article on Wired entitled “This 6-Foot, 330-Pound Robot May One Day Save Your Life“. My brain automatically started referring to BattleStar Galactica, mainly for the fact I am only now watching the series (10 years too late, I know).  Then the though of movies like Terminator, i Robot, and The Matrix (Thx to robotsongs for bringing up it up as I forgot to mention it).…

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Exporting a transparent video from Adobe After Effects, then importing it into Sony Vegas

Matthew 7 Comments

While processing my first Game On! video I came across a bit of an issue.  I had rendered a lower 3rd banner in After Effects and wanted to import it as a layer into Sony Vegas which I use to do the final processing of my videos.  The problem was when I imported the video, it usually imported with a black background.

I had done a search for this in Google and surprisingly found very little in ways of importing transparent videos, all I could find was how to import transparent backgrounds (usually involving a PNG file).  I did how ever find one saving grace, one of the youtube videos explained exactly how to do it.…

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Would you buy a product with no Pre-Sales Support? If no, the PostBox Email client isn’t for you.

Matthew 0 Comments

Well this is new to me.  With the news of Mozilla taking development resources away from Thunderbird (Announced sometime last year), we are looking for a new Email client that can support the amount of email some of the staff at work accrue.  In once case, over 14GB of email (the person has not deleted an email in about 4 years).  In the past (and maybe they fixed it) Microsoft Outlook only allowed a max size of 4GB for its database files.  Thunderbird allowed an unlimited amount as it’s method of archiving was different.

I use eM Client which 1. Has a structure that allows a theoretical unlimited size for its files and 2.…

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Blast from the past – Digital devices from a time long past.

Matthew 0 Comments

While browsing the Gadgets Subreddit today I came across a post that blew me away. It seems someone scanned a 1980’s (maybe) Sears catalog, probably the Christmas catalog they put out.  The post contained over 200 pages from the catalog, a few of which I have listed below:

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What really amazed me was that they had CD players, Which, surprising to me, were released in 1982 (I was 3 years old), however I do not remember seeing CD’s till the early to mid 90’s.

You can see the full set of images at this link. Shows pictures of old calculators, electric typewriters, Atari systems, etc.  …

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The U.S. Government has shutdown…

Matthew 0 Comments

I am not much for news, I listen to MP3s and watch Netflix, I don’t have Cable TV, anf I don’t subscribe to any newspapers.  So I get all my news from random hits on the web, if it peaks my interest, I do a Google search for more info…

picThe image to the left caught my eye on Facebook today and on any other day it would seem like a funny little saying, which is what I took it as at first.

It wasn’t until I saw a second post on Facebook that it started to click… Some government was shutting down.…

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Windows 8.1 Releases 17 of October, what to do in the mean time…

Matthew 0 Comments

Back in August I was looking for when the famed 8.1 update for Windows was going to be released. The answer then was Mid September, since then it has been pushed back till the 17th of October, about 2 weeks from now. But for some, 2 weeks on Windows 8 is a life time.

Personally Windows 8 was a huge leap for myself, and I know its been a hard transition for many people. As I work in a Public Computer Centre, I get asked alot as to how to use, or navigate Windows 8. The 2 most common complains are “How do I get to my desktop” and “Where are all my programs”.…

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