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Fedora Rescue doesn’t seem to work… Changed VG name and got stuck in the mud…

Ok, where to begin?  I am at work, playing with my VM (Virtual Machine), which might I add is not a good idea.  I had just spent 3 hours prepping for a maintenance in the next few days and I modified a LOT of files on my VM to do this… I will also note ahead of time, I also didn’t make a snapshot (number one rule when messing around with an important VM, make a snapshot).

Basically, I was looking at my hard drive space… now usually when you are dealing with VMs (in this case using VirtualBox on Window) you are not really worried about space, after all it’s not your Primary system, it’s a virtual one for playing around, however in my case, it’s used as a full-blown secondary system which I use just as much as my main machine. …

Manawalki shooting – Time for a Rant!

Ok, so normally I would put this on Facebook and bitch a little, but I figured it’s a big enough issue I would write a rant about it, especially since it got my blood boiling.  I came across a post on facebook which showed the below video and only the following caption:

Now what pisses me off, is that there is no information on what happened on the other side of that wall, or what happened before the altercation began.  Despite this lack of information, Facebook and |Youtube have blown up with comments on how the security guards should have their gun permits revoked, and that there was absolutely no reason to pull a gun and fire it. …

Happy New Year, and Happy 6th Anniversary on the Island

Happy New Year to all my readers.  Before I get into the review of the last year, I wanted to make a statement about some recent changes to the site that may or may not have upset some viewers.

A few months back I decided that I wanted to try to get more money out of my site, seeing as Google Adsense (the ads you see in the header, footer, sidebar and 1 in every article) only pays out about $100 every 5 years (not very sustainable). To do this I added a post automation tool that grabs books related to Programming and Computers, along with some computer related items, directly from Amazon and makes a nice little post about the item. …

In need of a new computer, and it’s going to take a year to build it.

After I moved into my new apartment last year, my old gaming PC has been banished to the closet as a server due to the fact that it made a really high-pitched noise that was giving me headaches (yes, even after a thorough cleaning). Ever since then I have tried to use different alternatives. The first was a mini PC, which barely did the job, then the current solution, my Laptop I bought for my last job which is almost 3 years old. The present solution, of course, has a secondary USB monitor by AOC, as working on one monitor just doesn’t feel right.…

2-Factor Authentication for Microsoft Windows using Duo

I had a bit of time, so I created a video on how to enable 2FA on a Windows-based system.  I know, I know, I am a Linux admin, what on earth am I doing talking about Windows?  To be honest, and my fellow Linux Sysadmins will be will give me flack for this, Windows is still a very prevalent platform.  Yes, Linux is better in my opinion (server wise), but there is a place and time for Windows Servers. I am also a trained Windows Server Admin, taking WIndow Nt4 and Windows 2000 back at Algonquin College back in Ontario, and taking the Preparation for Windows Server Administration Certification for WIndows 2012 at Dawson College just a few years back… so although I am a Linux Sysadmin by title at Ubisoft, in reality, I am a Lin./Win.…

Taking a Break – Concentrating on new blog

It’s been a while since I have posted here, and that not really abnormal.  Life just got… busy I guess.  But now it’s even more hectic.  On June 28th I was diagnosed as a diabetic.  I was given a choice… continue on my path and eventually have to use injections, or, lose 150lbs and hopefully reverse the effects.

I chose the latter, and to help me along and document my progress, I have started a new blog:


I hope to post here as often as I can if I find any cool tech subjects to write about, but for now, my concentration will be on the new blog, as I hope to lose the 150lbs in 2 years.…

Ansible: reboot and wait for response

With my new job title of Linux System Administrator (more correctly “Administrateur Systèmes Linux“), there are some new things I have had to learn. One is the wonderful world of Ansible.

However, there is one thing that plagued me, rebooting the system and having it wait to run the next command. This is important for patching up a server then making sure everything came back up alright.

After scouring the web and trying out every post I found. I found a post that I was able to piece together other’s response to get a valid, working, solution.

Thank you to gvenka008c and andyhky who’s answers were what i needed to piece together the correct metod.…

Time for some Music related articles…

Over the past many years, I have brought up one of my favorite artists, who also happens to be local to my Home Town. I am of course talking about Danielle Allard, who is preparing for her 3rd CD release, which I am sure will be as successful, if not more than her previous releases. Looking forward to the Release Party.

However this article is not about her, it’s about another favorite artist I came across years ago that has been making headway. I only make note of this, because I recently saw a YouTube video from an episode of America has Talent, which blew me away.…

The Next Chapter is about to begin…

If you asked me 5 years ago what my 5 Year plan was… I would never have guessed I would have gotten this far.

I moved to Quebec on January 1st, 2012, with the hope of starting anew. After 32+ years living in Ontario, I took the bold leap to leave my Province and start a new exciting chapter in my life. But it doesn’t start there. It all started in 1999 when my best friend Eric handed me my first copy of Linux… Corel Linux. It was at this point, just before I started College, that I knew what I wanted to do.…

Back to Vultr, a REAL Cloud Company

So let’s get this out of the way. I am pissed. Now I do take part of the blame. There are some things I could have and should have done differently, however, even so, it does not change what happened.

A few months ago, I was guided towards Cloud at Cost (CAC), which at first glance, seems like an amazing deal, I mean, one-time fee for a cloud server package? I managed to get their Developer CloudPRO 4 packages for an amazing $56, regularly $280 that’s a saving of 80%… Nice hook right. It gave me 4 CPUs, 4GB of RAM and 60GB of SSD storage.…