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Starting a New Chapter – Fall 2021

Come January 1st, 2022, just 3 months away, I will be celebrating my 10th year here on the Island.  I cannot believe how fast time has flown.  To think I moved here the first of the year 2012 due to a job opportunity at a, then, friend’s UPS Store.  I moved my way since them, working at the Atwater Library and Computer Centre as the Computer Centre Manager, then on to Netelligent where I worked as a L1 Linux Server Admin.  Then moved on to my current job at Ubisoft as a Level 1 Linux Systems Administrator (Now Level 2).  And for the past four and half years I have grown so much professionally. …

What have I been up to?

It has been a long time since I have made a personal post on here, but after finally finishing a task that has taken me 2 years (Thanks Covid19), I figured I would make a post about my adventure.

The featured image should give it away… Maybe not… if you are not from Quebec, you might mistake this for a regular censored photo of a Drivers License, you would be partially correct.  So for those from my home province, and others outside of La Belle Province, I will explain this little gem, and the journey I took to get it which started in early 2019.…

Installing epel-release in CentOS 8 and Oracle Linux 8 – The EASY Way


Centos 8:

Oracle Linux 8:

NOTE: if you absolutely need to have “epel-release” installed due to dependancies on Oracle Linux – then use the rpm way:



The Whole Story

With the news late last year, that Redhat was killing off CentOS, there was a shockwave throughout the industry.  To those outside of the linux server environment, I am not sure you could comprehend the vast affect this will have. …

Why I left Facebook.

It’s been a reoccurring theme in my head for years.  The Internet, Humanity’s greatest feat, and greatest downfall.  It brought the world together while simultaneously pushing us all apart.  With the rise of Facebook and other social media platforms in the early part of the 21st century (2000-2010) it seemed to be a dream, getting reconnected with long lost friends from yester-year.  But in all essence, Facebook is just that, a dream, a façade.  What you see on Facebook, isn’t real, its the cherry picked moments of everyone’s lives, you don’t see the truth, the “behind the scenes” of what really goes on in a person’s life. …

VestaCP offsite backup script

I have always been an advocate for using a control panel when dealing with multi site hosting.  In my case I use VestaCP, which is a great, simple, free alternative to the big boys like Plesk and cPanel.  The only issue though, is space for backups.  On the server I normally have 3 to 5 days backed up, which is great, however if you find out your site had been hacked 7 days ago, all your backups on the server are tainted.  This happened to me a few years back, and one of my sites was hacked for almost a month before I found out.…

Installing Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu and Fedora in Virtualbox


In this video we install VirtualBox, then create 4 Virtual Machines including Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu and Fedora.

Important Links:

Virtualization VT-x/AMD-V/SVM Mode (ROG)
Common: https://bit.ly/2IblnP8
ROG: https://bit.ly/3g6xfyh

VirtualBox: https://bit.ly/2JMQQY7
Ubuntu 20.04: https://bit.ly/3lCmdBZ
Xubuntu 20.04: https://bit.ly/39E5QCP
Kubuntu 20.04: https://bit.ly/3g9BXv9
Fedora 32: https://bit.ly/3lzZKFB

Coronavirus update – Day 257

Its been almost 3/4 of a year since I have gone WFH (Work from home) in isolation  When I last posted about the numbers, we had just passed 7 million infected. That was 170 days ago. Now we are at just over 60 million.  But this post is not as much about Covid-19 as much as it is about the amount of disinformation.  In the past week I have been messages posts on Social Media that are so drenched in disinformation I feel like I need to disinfect my PC.

For this post, I will discuss 3 such posts that had me facepalming at the stupidity (or cleverness?)…

Soon to be Streaming on Twitch

As of August 2nd of this year, I will be officially streaming on Twitch. Thanks to a close friend of mine, Danielle Allard (websitetwitch) who has given me the confidence to get this up and running. I have been running Revelnoded Gaming for a few years, but only posting the odd video to Youtube. Now I have expanded to FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. I even opened up a Discord Server.

On my premier stream this Sunday, I will be streaming Marbles on Stream which is a stream community game allowing twitch viewers to join in and partake in the races.…

The Outbreak – UPDATE – Day 87

It has been a while since I did an update on the COVID-19 situation.  The reasoning is being in isolation can be, well, depressing at the very least. Being cooped up for months at a time with little to no human contact can drive even the sturdiest person up the wall.  And I am not the most sturdiest person.

So where are we at?  I will tell you this… not in a great place. We are 7,149,360 cases world wide, with the United States accounting for for over two million of that.

“But Matt!, the numbers are dropping! Why are we in a bad place?”

The Outbreak – Day 27 of Work from Home, day 40 of Isolation

A little over 2 weeks ago we broke the 1 million total case marker, now we are just over the 2.5 million mark.  Things have escalated quickly, with the United States accounting for 1/3 of the known cases world wide.  A scary thought.  But the word on the street is, it’s slowing down. Although some of us are still in areas that have just reached their peak, or getting close to it, as a whole, its starting to slow down.  But do not get your hopes up that we will be sitting poolside sipping margaritas just yet, although some governments are looking at lifting some of the bans put in place as early as next month, the World Health Organization is warning against moving too quickly.…