I had a bit of time, so I created a video on how to enable 2FA on a Windows-based system. I know, I know, I am a Linux admin, what on earth am I doing talking about Windows? To be honest, and my fellow Linux Sysadmins will be will give me flack for this, Windows is still a very prevalent platform. Yes, Linux is better in my opinion (server wise), but there is a place and time for Windows Servers. I am also a trained Windows Server Admin, taking WIndow Nt4 and Windows 2000 back at Algonquin College back in Ontario, and taking the Preparation for Windows Server Administration Certification for WIndows 2012 at Dawson College just a few years back… so although I am a Linux Sysadmin by title at Ubisoft, in reality, I am a Lin./Win. SysAdmin. 😛
So here is the video I created, spawning a Windows 2016 server at my favorite cloud provider Vultr (for the first time… Normally I use it for Linux only) and installed Duo 2FA on it.