Well I promised a part 2 to this article, but this will be more of a rant than a discussion. You see, the more and more videos I watched, the more and more I got discouraged. Not that my beliefs of a spherical earth were being torn away, but because of the idiocy I experienced in watching the videos… I will explain a few of these now.
The star that changes color:
It is a known belief in the Flat Earth model that there is no space, and that all the starts in the sky are simply some source of light put there by the creator. Their proof? The above image, of a zoomed in distance star that appears to change colors, like an LED… Therefor stars are lights… (SMH or shaking my head). Obviously, these people have no idea how digital cameras work. So let me explain. A digital camera works by capturing the image via a photo cell, and then digital reconstructs what it sees. This is great for bright situations, however dimly light situations, the camera has to “guess” the color. (see photo of night cityscape below)
Now a photo is one thing, a video is another. In a digital video, the processor is constantly trying to determine the color, as this magnified star is not bright enough for the chip to detect is actual color, so it shifts between colors as it tried to guess. The star itself is not changing colors, in fact if you look at the same start through a telescope, you will not see this color change.
Which brings me to my next topic:
Telescopes “create” images
This is actually from an article I read from a flat earther that states telescopes cannot be trusted as they create their images… As described “Optical telescopes are designed to collect and create images”, however I think they took this a little too literally. I mean, A magnifying glass creates a larger image of the text out of a book… does this mean that the image you are seeing is fake? that it some how changes the original text to make you read something other than what was actually written? A telescope (optical) is a much of magnifying lenses and mirrors, that simply magnify the image, they don’t change it into something its not… (smh… again).
Northern Constellations can be seen from the Southern Hemisphere
In another flat earth article, it was arguing that a spherical earth comments about the north and south pole stars being able to be photographed from the equator could only be true in a flat earth model. I really wish I could find this article as I wanted to quote what he said, because again they took things too literally… THe flat earther too this to mean that the north and south pole stars would be in the same photo… when in reality this means you can take a photo of the north start from the equator, AND a photo of the south pole star from the equator. Basic English skills apply. Also, its is impossible for there to be a South Pole start in a flat earth model as there is no south pole…
Another article on the same topic states that you can see the northern constellations from Australia… If this was possible, then so should be the reverse, I from my cottage in the Gatineau hills of Quebec should be able to see the southern constellations… which fact is I cannot.
Ship disapearing at the horizon is not going over the curve, but behind a wave
I am serious, flat earthers believe that when you see a tall ship disappear over the horizon, this is not due to the curvature of the earth, its disappearing behind a wave, cuz you know waves are 50 fee tall in the middle of the ocean… I mean I would be more worried of the 50 foot wave hitting the shore and wonder where the earthquake was that started the tsunami… By the way this also happens on very large lakes (like the great lakes) which the waves are no where near as tall as a tall ship…
Conclusion of Rant
I could go on with the holes in flat earthers theories and some of the pure BS i have come across, but that would take up much more time than I am now willing to spend on the subject. I spent over 48 hours of my life watching flat earth videos and reading articles written by flat earthers and have come to the following conclusion… They are all delusional. Many are very uneducated. And to believe that Science, something that has to be proven through experiment and result, is a global conspiracy, and that their belief which cannot be proven through experiment and result is reality, is absurd. The idea that the spherical earth and space is “New World Order” brain washing is a joke. The concept of a spherical earth has been around for centuries, before the “New World Order” was even a thing, before the western world was even rediscovered. SO do I believe the world is flat? No, I do not.
End of Rant.
No Flat earth theory does not state the boat is being obscured by ONE WAVE. It states the boat is being obscured by atmosphere and miles of waves and light refraction. The problem with most people is that they make incorrect assumptions about the FE theory and then claim that is what ALL flat earthers believe. This is asinine. If the ship were literally going over curved water (hard for me to even write) the mast would tilt away from us and NOT be perfectly upright. You can’t have it both ways. Either it is following a curve and staying upright from our perspective which means it is tilted on the water or it is following the curved water LMAO and perpendicular to the “curved surface” which from our perspective would cause it to tilt away from us. It can’t be simply sinking down because of the curve and NOT TILTING away from us. People do not think things through. How is it that we can see well over three miles and even zoom into a ship that has disappeared below the horizon? At some point the ship will be too small and there will be too much atmosphere obscuring it to see it any longer. But we should not be able to zoom into a ship when it disappears “over a curve”. Your page is ridiculous. The earth is a flat accretion disc inside of a toroid. TOR means TREE as in Tree of LIFE. All things are made of toroids from magnetic fields, atoms to your energy body. Galaxies are flat plane accretion discs. Black holes make suns. The suns orbit above the flat discs. Black holes can be any size because they are simply the point within a vortex where matter is moving “faster than the speed of visible light”. Toroids are EM fields made of waves that implode non destructively. The energy implodes and flips back around itself like the OROBORUS serpent eating its own tail. It is a free energy system. THat is why they are hiding it as our world model. If people understood the true nature of reality and how we humans are actually free energy beings that do not need to be dependent upon technologies and “world rulers” for our existence we would be a serious threat to the world rulers. People need to wake the fuck up. The eyes cannot see what the indoctrinated mind refuses to accept.
By the way you are obviously very bias. That is not scientific. We should approach all theories with an open mind and logically, not from a place of sarcasm and ridicule. That is a sure sign to me that someone is full of shit. Scientists on tv ridicule people and literally say “It is NOT ok to believe in Flat earth”. Fuck them. They do not get to tell me or anyone what to believe. That is not their job. Their job is to discuss theories and provide evidence for their theory.
I am not Biased in any way… I was presented by a close friend from my childhood that she found the topic interesting and that I should look into it. I went in with a very opened mind, and found many topics very interesting, however the more I watched, and maybe I was just watching the wrong people, video upon video on the subject, and read hundreds of articles, and not one provided any solid proof that the earth is flat. Many used flawed experiments to disprove scientific fact (not theories, but actual facts) and spent more time trying to debunk science, then actually providing actual proof.
We could argue this for hours I am sure, and there are some interesting aspects that may hold keys to the “truth”, and I admit, years later, being out in the country and looking up at the stars every night, I do see flickers with the naked eye… but these could very well be caused by atmospheric distortion on our atmosphere and the many unknowns between us in space.
My point is, trying to argue a point between two people who are dead set in their ways and beliefs is near impossible. I have my own beliefs based on science and facts, with an open mind to see others points of view. Then you have others who’s owns beliefs are based on religious views with no scientific basis. Not everything can be explained by science, but that does not mean that science is false. And there are miracles that science cannot explain, but that does not mean the theological views are the only ones that work.
I agree, to argue when you are dead set on a belief is pointless. I don’t base observations upon belief. I report observations and let them speak for themselves. For example, the Suez Canal is over 100 miles and at sea level end to end. At some point the curvature has to be accounted for. Water is flat for thousands of miles. It does not wrap around a ball and no one has ever demonstrated how this is possible.EVER. So the Heliocentric model is flawed and has never been proven yet people BELIEVE the earth is a ball. The toroidal model fits all living constructs and explains consciousness. Atoms are made of spinning vortices called toroids as is all matter. We are all made of vibrating vortices. Tor means tree as in tree of life. There is so much evidence and observable truth to support this model of our world including ancient accounts from people that understood advanced physics that it is simply “ignorant” to ignore or dismiss it as nonsense. A good bit of advice is that when the mainstream says something is undeniable truth, question it. The very first thing people should KNOW is that the world is controlled by a few elite families. From there we can assume we are being lied to by the main stream which is controlled by these families. Not everything is a lie. But that doesn’t mean we should never question them or any authority when our senses tell us the opposite of what they are saying. We can only walk upon a solid stationary surface because our inner ear only works that way. We are not designed to walk upon a spinning surface hurling through space. Balanced objects fall if they are slightly nudged. Where is gravity then? Why doesn’t it hold up balanced stones when it is said to hold billions of gallons of water to the surface of a spinning ball. What is gravity? They don’t know. They just know it’s effects. That is not science. That is guess work making assumptions based upon nothing. Gravity is attraction caused by something. A toroid is two opposing energy fields finding balance and there is an accretion disc that exudes form around the central core. That is where we have zero point energy. that is where MATTER accumulates. Gravity means DOWN. These forces create a down and and up simply through golden ratio unfolding of energy at all densities. Things rise up away from the earth because they are buoyant. They fall because they are denser than the atmosphere. On the other side of the toroid the same thing happens but opposite of this side. We have no idea what is on the other side. But there is a black hole white hole sun at the center where matter and ant matter is ejected. We supposedly went to the moon yet NASA says we cannot penetrate the barrier around the earth. So they say “well the moon is inside the earth’s atmosphere”. So there is a plasma dome around the earth that we cannot penetrate and the moon is inside the dome. OK sounds like the flat earth theory. Everything is CONTEXT> these people are masters of reversing everything and trickery. Once people get that they cannot go back to simply believing everything they are told by main stream sheep.